Wednesday 10 October 2018

The Walking Dead Season 9 - The Lowest-Rated Premiere of the Series!

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 9 - The Lowest-Rated Season Premiere of the Series! According to AMC, the premiere also drove the single highest day of new sign-ups in the history of AMC Premiere, the network’s commercial-free upgrade option. Delayed viewing numbers for the show will be available Friday. 6.1 million total viewers for the premiere of Season 9. HALF of season 8's. :O - Anxious Neck Games i had the episode downloaded before it even aired on TV, it was up early due to being released a day early on AMC Premiere so many people had already seen it - Daryl Dixon The premiere only had 6.0 millions viewers. Once Andrew Lincoln leaves this shows is completely done. - Tobin Erwin I feel like they were probably like, "we need a third person to come back for Rick's death... How about Steven? Chandler? Sarah? They all can't?! I guess get Sonequa." - Saints Arrow i will bet with anyone here that ricks finale episode will not be the highest ratings episode of the series the show is too far gone and nothing will bring the fans back - Peter Francis I’m loving the vibe so far. Cool intro, Daryl has more lines and more character interactions. I’m excited for the whisperers but sad ricks leaving! - Rebecca Byam When will Tara die already??! - dat boi Trev, what is your thoughts on the theory that one of the saviors stabs Rick? - Anna Hunt Trev can you please do a reaction to episode 5? - Gabriel Blume Q&A: Trev, were you confused by the bridge scene in the premiere? Rosita implies that a herd took it down (how I don't know) then later in the episode Daryl says that a big storm took out a few bridges. Idk what to think. I'm not sure how a herd can take down a bridge. - Nickypoo 92 Q&A Does anyone know when the whisperers will actually show up? - Fredo James TrevsChan2 Patreon ► Grab a Trevschan2 TeeShirt ► As always, thanks for watching everyone! - Trev #thewalkingdead #amc #tvseries #lowestpremiere Trevschan2

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