Sunday 21 October 2018

The Walking Dead Season 9 - Could Daryl and Maggie be Responsible for Rick's Death?

via IFTTT Could Daryl and Maggie be Responsible for Rick's Death? I hate that Rick's about to leave and him and Daryl are against each other. And now they're fighting in next week's ep?! If Rick dies because of Daryl he'll become unforgivable - Create 'til Death Grab a Trevschan2 TeeShirt ► Wow ooceanside actually had a significant impact for once. Also who the hell is Jadis trading with. - GrizzlyScalp950 Thank god bro I was about to seriously be mourning if you didn’t post a video tonight. - zack walker Shit Trev I thought you were dead it’s like I never notice you’re not there until you’re not. Glad you’re back again here to bring us another video - Toryhan Ferguson Who else is dreading episode 5? :( - Skylar B 20 minutes into the episode and I figured out that Oceanside killed Justin only because Cydnie was getting screen time and she usually doesn't. - I'm Joker28 Arat deserved better!!! - Kyle George Awesome episode! The end minutes really got me excited to see what happens next! Also... what happened to your camera? - Dominic Andress I dislike the oceanside group with a passion I understand there motives but there acting makes me cringe and they don't feel right in this show - Andrew Ortiz I thought the whisperers were killing them until that last scene. - Lauren Munn the twist was amazing, I read people mention this. I am guessing A=alive B=bitten. I wanted to trust Anne. It's going to be interesting to see how they move forward. - Jason Nemeroff Trev, Do you think Jadis/Anne will take Rick for the helicopter group? - Anna Hunt This episode was the most expensive game of clue AMC has ever done. #WalkingdeadClue. - Jack Goldberg All hell is going to break loose because of Maggie - Peggy Sullivan Hey trev... did u notice at the end how the promoted the next episode as ricks final 2 episodes... really stupid decision to confirm that episode 5 is the last.. it's not bad enough that we already know it's "ricks final episodes" - Kyle George TrevsChan2 Patreon ► As always, thanks for watching everyone! - Trev #thewalkingdead #darylandmaggie #ricksdeath #rickgrimes Trevschan2

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