Saturday 30 December 2017

When Should The Walking Dead End?

via IFTTT When Should The Walking Dead End? Hey Trev just curious when do u want TWD to end? Chandler said there's just a few more seasons left, but that doesn't mean anything yet. He could've just been bitter for being killed off. What are your thoughts? Do u want more spin offs after TWD main show is over and if so will u review them if they're any good? Hey Trev Q&A: Do u think TWD still has a chance of getting into the teens in terms of seasons? As a major die hard hardcore fan i hope so lol. - Jon snow rules Hi Trev, Do you think Kirkman and Gimple/showrunner bump heads (for ex. - death of Carl) on decisions? If so, who has the final say? - torridd Trev do u see yourself maybe doing throwback reviews to any of the season 8 TWD episodes? If so which ones'? - The big bang theory (Sheldor) Hi Trev. I'd really like to hear your thoughts on the possibility of Enid taking Carl's role. First, TWD seems to like swapping gender roles from the comics to the show (ex/ Deanna). - Dougy2thaFresh Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► As always, thanks for watching everyone! Trevschan2

When Should The Walking Dead End?


Friday 29 December 2017

Fear The Walking Dead Season 4 to be "Incredible!"

via IFTTT Fear The Walking Dead Season 4 to be "Incredible!" Skybound The Walking Dead twitter has tweeted that, Season 4 of Fear the Walking Dead Will be Incredible. Let's give our thoughts! Q&A Trev: Are you planning on doing death predictions for the second half? Those are my favorite vids of yours! Keep up the great work! - J Morris Trev this is a safe space, just let it out XD. Definitely the right decision. The series has needed to move away from the comics for a while. - ACH92 Trev Q&A, I still think this is ridiculous with Carl. This changes the whole story of the Walking Dead and it's not for the good of the show in my opinion. You say the kid from the kingdom is going to be his replacement but it's just not the same. Who knows if we'll even get a Lydia now? Keeping Carl alive was always Rick's motivation to keep going, but I guess that'll be filled now by Judith? The showrunner was fired after S3 for the whole Andrea fiasco, well now I want Gimple out. I always tried to defend Gimple, but this death is an irresponsible handling of power. I'm even sad about the death, just pissed off. Thanks for all you do. - Komodo K1ng Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► As always, thanks for watching everyone! Trevschan2

Fear The Walking Dead Season 4 to be "Incredible!"


Thursday 28 December 2017

My Thoughts on Bitcoin! (Going into 2018)


My Thoughts on Bitcoin! (Going into 2018)

via IFTTT My Thoughts on Bitcoin! (Going into 2018) Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be giving my thoughts on Bitcoin going into 2018. You can register for a Coinbase Account here: This should be a fun topic as Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency has been all the craziness lately in the financial world. I wanted to give you guys my thoughts and what I think is the best strategy to deal with it going forward into 2018. As always, thanks for watching! - Trev Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

My Response to "The Walking Dead Sucks Now!"


My Response to "The Walking Dead Sucks Now!"

via IFTTT My Response to, "The Walking Dead Sucks Now!" Q /A - trev I love the channel, probably watch you more then any other channel. But you need to address how bad things are, the show is dying- bad writing, poor action, no character development. Viewing figures, negan has not proved successful. You need to do a video addressing this and be honest.... people are switching off - Mark Monopoly Q&A - With all the theories floating about online, do you think there is any logical scenario in which Carl survives the bite without pulling off a stupid/ridiculous twist? Is any scenario remotely believable or possible in your opinion? - Hry trev, I heard that because of Carl's death, they might totally eliminate the whisper story arc. What are your thoughts on this? - A.J. Unlimited Nah I still loved "Too Far Gone" - Guts The Black Swordsman If they would bring back the gore and originality, then hell yeah. I feel like this finale would mirror Too Far Gone but with Rick actually successfully talking a villain down. - Zomb Leader Studios Hey Trev, Don't you think its REALLY WEIRD that Carol hasn't seen/met Negan yet! - Connected VG AMC has gone and screwed it up - agentsmithmememe Is there an endless amount of saviors? They shouldn't have that many left still. - Jack Goldberg Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► As always, thanks for watching everyone! Trevschan2

Wednesday 27 December 2017

The Walking Dead's Greatest Episode - No Way Out - Throwback Review!


The Walking Dead's Greatest Episode - No Way Out - Throwback Review!

via IFTTT The Walking Dead's Greatest Episode - No Way Out - Throwback Review! Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this video we will be doing a sort of Christmas Special for 2017! We will be throwing back to the walking dead season 6, episode 9 No Way Out. I consider this to the greatest episode of the walking dead ever. Let's throwback review it to go through why. This episode is absolutely jammed packed with awesome from start to finish. We see Daryl, Sasha, and Abraham run into one of our first major groups of Saviors in the series. We see Rick and the group of survivors at the time face a good amount of zombie and try to bypass them to lead them away. The mission fails and we see Jesse, Sam, and Ron Anderson's last episode of the series. We see the group stand up to the massive herd of walkers inside of Alexandria and band together to eventually defeat them. I really think this is the best episode of the walking dead the series has to offer. From the start up season 6 right up to this episode the series is absolutely unstoppable. I am going to give this episode a throwback score of a perfect 10 out of 10. One of my favorite episodes of any tv series of all time. I hope you all enjoyed this holiday throwback review special. As always, thanks for watching everyone! - Trev Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

Monday 25 December 2017

Christmas Haul 2017!

via IFTTT What I Got For Christmas! Christmas Haul 2017! Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be doing a video just having some fun showing you guys what presents I got for Christmas. It is mostly collectible figures so just a heads up for that. If you aren't interested in figures then you might not like it but hey who doesn't like getting some fun toys for Christmas. As always, thanks for watching everyone! - Trev Trevschan2

Christmas Haul 2017!


Sunday 24 December 2017

The Walking Dead vs Fear TWD! 2017's Best Zombie Series?

via IFTTT 2017's Best Zombie Series? The Walking Dead vs Fear TWD! 'Fear The Walking Dead' Topped 'The Walking Dead' In 2017 Fear the Walking Dead improved its quality so much through 2017, it exceeded its sibling series and AMC's original zombie drama, The Walking Dead, for the first time. With The Walking Dead in the midst of adapting the action-packed, fan-favorite All Out War story, it is still no match for the masterful most recent season of Fear the Walking Dead. Fear took advantage of Dave Erickson's final season as showrunner to be the best of the two AMC zombie shows in 2017 and it was an all-around team effort. For that, Fear the Walking Dead deserves to be recognized. Starting its third season, Fear the Walking Dead shocked fans by eliminating a character many thought would be leading the series. Cliff Curtis' Travis fell from a helicopter and off of the show, propelling it forward and allowing growth within the entire Clark family he had married into. Madison and her kids, Nick and Alicia, were allowed to emerge as the leader of the series with no confusion as to who the show's main protagonists are. The door was open for Kim Dickens to take charge of the series and the Madison Clark actress did just that. Still, the "no one is safe" mantra developed by The Walking Dead would be constant throughout Fear's third season. Then, the AMC series went where The Walking Dead used to go: it tackled dramatic issues which fans can relate t, whether or not they have encountered the issues themselves or know someone who has. Where The Walking Dead brought family drama, the issues of cheating, and racist characters (such a Merle Dixon) into the mix early on, Fear the Walking Dead took a similar route at a very relevant time. Alden As always, thanks for watching everyone! Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► As always, thanks for watching everyone! Trevschan2

The Walking Dead vs Fear TWD! 2017's Best Zombie Series?


Saturday 23 December 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 Second Half - Will the AOW Finale Surpass Too Far Gone?

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 Second Half - Will the AOW Finale Surpass Too Far Gone? I actually wonder if some Army members will ever show up and go full blazing on a massive herd with a tank or some jets. I mean, the US spends 600 billion on its damn military a year, has 2 million active soldiers and does. - Flash-224 QandA trev would like to hear your thoughts on my theory. Personally i love Negan i think he’s a really interesting, different kind of villain. But when u look at the ratings, it appears that the episodes that had Negan in them got the lower of the viewer counts. U can see this from episode 5 when it went down, then 6 when it went back up again. It seems that the casual viewers really don’t care about seeing Negan on screen, so is keeping him alive(which it looks like the show may do) really a good idea?? It seems People dont want to see the guy that has caused our characters so much pain live, and maybe people will call bullshit on Rick deciding not to kill him. Side note: petition to fire scott gimple is currently at 50 thousand and is still growing; thoughts? - Life of an Indie girl Trev, if you ever go on The Talking Dead, you have to promise us that the first words you say will be your famous "What's goin' onn Guuuyys!!" and do that little semi-fist pump that you do. OKAY????? - Bull Hurley Q&A Trev: Do you think that because Tara and Daryl did not kill Dwight, that means that Dwight will likely survive the season out? Not to mention how he's away from Negan and the saviors, so the recorder Eugene has wouldn't do much. - J Morris Finally Chandler gets a great episode and they wack him. - Jack Goldberg Sheriff gets a kicked by gym teacher - Nerdy Savior Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► As always, thanks for watching everyone! Trevschan2

The Walking Dead Season 8 Second Half - Will the AOW Finale Surpass Too Far Gone?


Friday 22 December 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 - Trev's Talking Dead Ultimate Fan Entry!

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 - TC2's Talking Dead Ultimate Fan Entry! Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be sharing my Ultimate Fan entry for Talking Dead of the walking dead season 8. In this one I decided to spoof a very recent event in the series. I hope you all enjoy the video. As always, thanks for watching! You can enter the contest here: LOL - Trev Out! Trevschan2

The Walking Dead Season 8 - Trev's Talking Dead Ultimate Fan Entry!


Thursday 21 December 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 - Which of the Original Survivors will Survive the Longest?


The Walking Dead Season 8 - Which of the Original Survivors will Survive the Longest?

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 - Which of the Original Survivors will Survive the Longest? Trev Q&A in what order do you think the three remaining Atlanta survivors will die ( Carol, Daryl and Rick ) would love to hear your thoughts - Ellie Pitcher - Interview with Chandler Riggs Post Carl Death How will Negan react to the death of Carl? - Kevin Otter Strangely Enough, We Could Be Heading Toward A Negan-Led 'The Walking Dead' - Paul Tassi Throwback review for "Still"!! LMAO just kidding man, don't wanna torture ya - AJ Keashon I actually understand why Carl was killed off, in the comics there was really no reason for Rick to keep Negan alive the corny were better than him stuff isn't cutting it and wouldn't really work on a tv show something that would've been more impactful would be his son telling his father that people could change to show mercy and saying to keep Negan alive and for all of us live to in peace as Carl dies so that gives Rick the reason to keep Negan alive and try to make a better world and taking people in, also it didn't make sense for Rick to slit Negans throat to keeping him alive like in the comics, also Chandlers acting ability wasn't good and he doesn't fit badass comic Carl I'm sure people on the show saw this, there is ways to make this work I like the idea of Bens little brother being adopted by Rick and being with him during that big time skip after the war and plays Carl's arc from the comics :Reposted - Andrew Ortiz what a shity ending. Come on Trev. Are you kidding me - residentflea Trev please don't leave us if twd is over!! - 21allprogamingsports Trev, what was the point of bringing back the junkyard group in TWD if they ultimately did nothing? It is just repeating old material, isn't it? Thanks bro, Dylan - D V Q AND A- DOES ANY SEASON 8 EPISODES MAKE YOUR TOP 10?? - storm shadow Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► As always, thanks for watching everyone! Trevschan2

Wednesday 20 December 2017

The Walking Dead 177 Cover Revealed! Mercer?


The Walking Dead 177 Cover Revealed! Mercer?

via IFTTT The Walking Dead 177 Cover Revealed! Mercer? Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be giving my thoughts on the walking dead issue 177 cover which has just been released by Skybound\Image comics. This is part 3 of 6 for New World Order. In this issue we see a new character on the cover named, Mercer. I think personally he looks a little bit like Mr. T. lol Let me know what you guys think about this character in the comments below. As always, thanks for watching! - Trev out! Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

The Walking Dead Season 8 Will Return February 25 & Petition to Fire Gimple


The Walking Dead Season 8 Will Return February 25 & Petition to Fire Gimple

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 Will Return February 25 & Petition to Fire Gimple The Walking Dead will return for the back half of its eighth season a bit later than usual by comparison to earlier seasons but there may be a reason for the delay. The AMC zombie drama typically returns over the weekend closest to Valentine's Day. In fact, Season 8's return date of February 25, 2018, is the latest since Season 4's February 16 return back in 2013. Season 7 returned to air its remaining episodes on February 12. The Season 8 return is nearly a full two weeks later than the traditional date. While some fans are holding out hope for creative decisions to be altered following backlash regarding the impending death of Carl Grimes (50,000 of which have signed a petition on the subject), the AMC series has already filmed each of its returning episodes and will not have the ability to change any of the storyline. One thing they can control, however, is the gap between The Walking Dead and its sibling series Fear the Walking Dead. Should the sibling series be deep enough into production, it may well begin one week after The Walking Dead's Season 8 concludes, serving as a continuation of the story in the form of Morgan's collision with Madison and company. "The things that the writers are doing with Morgan and the way that they're navigating, it's not really a spoiler alert, but the way that Morgan transitions through the crossover is really, really interesting," James said. "The springboard that goes from The Walking Dead to Fear is a real... He goes with some kind of trajectory. It is a full, well-thought out journey that Morgan goes on. A lot of it is tied to his relationship with Rick. A lot of it is tied to his relationship to this group of people that he feels conflicted about caring for and wanting to protect." Also worth considering, however, are the pair of delays production of The Walking Dead's eighth season experienced. Over the summer, the AMC series had to halt production when stuntman John Bernecker lost his life after a tragic accident on set. Later, the series would delay its work due to a hurricane coming through Georgia. Neither delays lasted more than a couple of days but may have been enough to keep the show from being ready for a Valentine's Day weekend return. Hey Trev, would have been cool to see Carl grow up and take on the main role from his farther, I wonder what they have planned now hmm.. - Vasile G Hi Trev, Why did Michonne give Carl free rein, stating it was his "show?" Do you think she will feel guilt over that decision? - torridd Plot twist: Carl is fine. Enid just gave him a stomach hickey before she left. - Zaheer MeOut So... Will Benjamin's brother, Henry become the TV show's version of Comic Carl? He fits the age of Comic Carl (About 12), so it makes sense. - Wotpie Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

Tuesday 19 December 2017

The Walking Dead - A Future In Question!


The Walking Dead - A Future In Question!

via IFTTT The Walking Dead - A Future In Question Trev, I think clearly Season 3 Carl was the best version of Carl. I still remember how cool it was when he cleared out walkers in the prison to rescue Tyreese and Sasha's gang, and when he later killed the other guy at the end of season 3. He didn't get any better after the season unfortunately because Scott Gimple neutered some of Carl's best moments. What do you think? - Komodo K1ng Carl is so important to the Whisperer story line.... how will he be replaced? Also, the Whisperer story line has many comics characters "on the fence" as it were. - Robert C Trev Q and A, is it possible that they are pulling a fast one on us until the show comes back and it turns out that Carl won't die from the bite because he is immune? This would be huge and it would change the whole show. What do you think? - BB Nash I wish they would bring Trev to The Talking Dead, lol. - Brian Vagie Trev do you think TWD will end before the Whisperers storyline? That would be a travesty. - Stephen B. Smith I can't believe it EDIT: I'm actually fine with the bite death. When you think about it it's been awhile since we had a bite death. Like I can't honestly remember the last time that happened. - Dashing David Trevschan2

Monday 18 December 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 Second Half - Carl Grimes Character Spotlight!


The Walking Dead Season 8 Second Half - Carl Grimes Character Spotlight!

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 Second Half - Carl Grimes Character Spotlight! Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be giving my thoughts on and doing a character spotlight for Carl Grimes. As you all know at this point Carl's time has just about come to an end on the tv series version of The Walking Dead. I wanted to do a video where we can go over him as a character, compare him to his comic book series counterpart and how we felt about his time on the show. Good luck to Chandler Riggs in his future career endeavours. As always, thanks for watching everyone! - Trev Trevschan2

Sunday 17 December 2017

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 12 - Clear - Throwback Review!


The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 12 - Clear - Throwback Review!

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Throwback Review - Season 3 Episode 12 - Clear! Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one we will be doing a sort of special video as we take a look back at one of my all time favorite episodes of the walking dead ever. You don't clear!!! So since it has been announced that Lennie James is going to be our crossover character for the walking dead in going into Fear The Walking Dead, I thought it would be a great idea to take a look back at one of his best episodes from the series. In clear, Season 3 episode 12, we see Rick, Michonne, and Carl head out on an adventure to aquire more arms for the oncoming battle against the governor. They head back to King County to try to obtain some. They find that the locker has been cleaned out and they soon run into Morgan. At first they don't know it is him but once they find out Rick decides he should at the very least talk to him to see what's happened to him. Here we get some very interesting dialog that may be important for this crossover. Has Morgan encountered the whisperers between the walking dead season 1 and the walking dead season 3? Certainly possible? Will we see that in Fear the walking dead season 4? I Certainly hope so. So this episode is just super nostalgic for me to watch and I really enjoy checking it out ever now and then. I hope you all enjoy the throwback review. If you do be sure to leave a like and subscribe if you're new. Thanks for watching everyone! - Trev Trevschan2

Will The Walking Dead Ever Re-Achieve its Former Glory?

via IFTTT Will The Walking Dead Ever Re-Achieve its Former Glory? Q&A: Trev just wondering about your honest opinion of the show? What do you think of it's current state storywise and its future? Is it not what it used to be? I honestly am not as interested as I once was. All out war was what I was looking forward to most but now that its here it just feels meh. Thoughts? - tms Trev, do you think that rebuilding Alexandria actually makes sense? The buildings are all damaged/destroyed, the main gate is broken down, the solar panels are broken, and walkers are everywhere. Why don't they just bring the walls to the kingdom or the hilltop and reinforce a pre-existing spot instead of rebuilding? - Josh Reimann but what if the death and the father's anger and everything is just a gimmick to sell the death and he actually doesn't die? - Andrew Fjeld Heyy Trev, Merry Christmas. Q&A, In the post that Carl's dad made he said that Carl was asked to be a part of the show for three moree seasons before "He was fired" and that would put us at season 10. Do you think this could be another clue that the show will end in a few seasons? Also did you catch the Easter egg of the music that was playing after Carl's bite was the same as when his mom was dying? Thank you for all your videos brotha!!! - GreekJr ChrisifiX Q&A Do you think rick will become officer friendly again ? - i 360Spartan Didn't AMC just purchase a giant piece of property in the last year for the show? Don't think they would buy and invest in such a grand thing if the show had only even 2 seasons left. I think it will be going on for quite a while longer. - Lee Everett Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

Will The Walking Dead Ever Re-Achieve its Former Glory?


Saturday 16 December 2017

Will Andrew Lincoln Leave The Walking Dead?

via IFTTT Will Andrew Lincoln Leave The Walking Dead? With fewer original cast members on the show every season, is the time coming for Rick Grimesactor Andrew Lincoln to make a grand exit from The Walking Dead? Fans of the AMC series on social media are divided with multiple types of conversations going on. Some fans defend the show against "haters," claiming it is as good as it's ever been. Others simply suggest those who aren't enjoying stop watching (and nine million of them have). Some are on the offensive, sending hateful messages to showrunner Scott Gimple in the aftermath of another core cast member bowing out in Season 8's midseason finale and premiere episodes, following a series of All Out War episodes which have been disappointing for many. While Jeffrey Dean Morgan assured he is in it for "the long haul" as the show's Negan, it's Andrew Lincoln who is beginning to sound a bit different for the first time and it might have been sparked by the exit of Chandler Riggs. As always, thanks for watching everyone! - Trev Trevschan2

Will Andrew Lincoln Leave The Walking Dead?


Friday 15 December 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 - Best Explanation for the Mid-Season Finale Death? Ratings?


The Walking Dead Season 8 - Best Explanation for the Mid-Season Finale Death? Ratings?

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 - Best Explanation for the Mid-Season Finale Death? Ratings? Comment for future Q/A video - Hey Trev. In my opinion, there's only one true reason for killing off Carl. Attention. Gimple is afraid TWD will no longer be the biggest show ever, AMC is afraid too. They scrambling to get main stream media coverage to heighten interest again. They just chose to do it in the worst, worst, worst possible way from a story perspective. It doesn't matter if Chandler is older then comic Carl. It doesn't matter if some comic storylines "wouldn't make sense" with an older Carl. Good writing can remix and change things to always make it work. Look at TV Carol VS comic Carol for example. The Walking Dead no longer makes the show for the fans, they make the show for the ratings. They sold out. - Mr. Hardcore Horror For a Q&A do you think Scott Gimple and AMC are trying to sabotage TWD show making it unsellable to another network because of the law suit. Carl could have been easily replace with the time skip after all out work. They could have recast and said they needed him to be older. I know that means they may have to recast Enid too but its better then killing off carl what do you think thanks love the channel bud I’m so confused. They showed Carl in the flash forward with old man rick. He was there! So how can they kill him is he’s in the flash forward? Can someone please shed some light on this? - jadenurlacher What does Robert Kirkman think of Carl’s death? I haven’t heard anything... - ZombieKilla Trev, on your next Q&A could you cover these 2 questions? 1.) Do you think they will have Carl reanimate as a walker? 2.) Do you think Rick will start wearing his hat ( Carl's ) again? Thanks!!, Cudaj2 Scott Gimple on that Character Death You what is more ironic Trev is that both Carl and Sophia have died from a walker bite and yet in the comic both are still alive and well, I mean I can't be the only one that sees or notice this after all. - TheFirstEvil100 @trevchan2 HEY TREV Q and A!!!!!!! Where'd all this kumbaya hippie crap from carl suddenly come from?! This time last season he was ready to kill Negan after gunning down 2 of his guys and now he doesn't wanna fight anymore!? Maybe it's just me but feel like the sudden change of heart seems a bit forced. Your thoughts? - Bryan Donovan Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

Thursday 14 December 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 - One of the Last Few Seasons of the Show?

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 - One of the Last Few Seasons of the Show? Dedicated The Walking Dead spoiler site The Spoiling Dead Fans regularly shares leaks and spoilers from the hit AMC series, but the site refused to spoil the events of the episode ahead of its December 10 airing. "We have our reasons for doing this which we’ll share after the episode," the site wrote in a message to its members on December 7. "We know this is disappointing for thousands of people that depend on us, and we fully expect some backlash. We're ready to take the heat." The day after Sunday's big reveal, the site delivered their full explanation: Carl actor Chandler Riggs politely asked The Spoiling Dead Fans to keep the episode's big revelation a secret. “So I’ve come to realize that you all have probably figured out the big reveal at the end of 808,” Riggs wrote in a private message. “I get that you guys have been doing this since we started, but I have a request. Out of respect for me, for Carl, and for one of the last few seasons of the show, I’m using you to not spoil the ending of 808 once your sources inform you of what happens.” “I poured my heart into a couple of episodes this season, and 808 is one of them,” Riggs continued. “I’m so proud of my performance and a lot of it rides off of a surprise ending. Of course this is what you all do, but the integrity of what happens is pretty crucial to my performance throughout the rest of the episode and I’d really appreciate it if you all would hold back just this one time.” Riggs, who confirmed Carl’s death and his departure from the show, added, “This is the only time I’ll request something like this, so don’t worry about me coming back later and doing the same thing.” The big reveal upset fans and Riggs' father, who blasted the show in light of Riggs' abrupt end with The Walking Dead after more than seven years. "I'm very confident of a tenth season," Gimple assures THR when asked about the show's future and Lincoln's contract running out after Season 8. "I think it is a question but there is some business to handle with the things you just said." Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

The Walking Dead Season 8 - One of the Last Few Seasons of the Show?


Wednesday 13 December 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 - Actor's Father Rips Series after Mid-Season Finale!

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 - Actor's Father Rips Series after Mid-season Finale! The father of a key "Walking Dead" character vented his frustrations with the show and showrunner Scott Gimple on social media following his son's onscreen death in this Sunday's midseason finale. "Watching Gimple fire my son 2 weeks before his 18th birthday after telling him they wanted him for the next 3 years was disappointing," William Riggs, father of Carl Grimes actor Chandler Riggs, wrote on Facebook. "I never trusted Gimple or AMC but Chandler did. I know how much it hurt him. But we do absolutely know how lucky we have been to be a part of it all and appreciate all the love from fans all these years!" In the closing moments of the midseason finale, Carl revealed to his father Rick (Andrew Lincoln) that he had been bitten by a walker. He did not die at the end of the episode though, meaning he will get one more episode to say goodbye once the show returns in February. "That is a bite on his side.… It will play out as bites play out on the show," Gimple said Sunday on "Talking Dead." "It's very important to Carl's story and the entire story, what happens in the next episode. I'm just focused on the fact that Carl right now is alive and he has some business to attend to. That is a one-way ticket. But I'd like to think that the things we see in the next episode are so important to his life and the other characters' lives." My opinion , Carl's age, and his acting ability is the reason they decided to kill him off, and use the little boy from the Kingdom for part of Carl's comic story arc. That crap about him being Ricks moral compass, as to why he won't kill Negan is BS, they could've used Morgan for that, in fact many fans thought that was going to be the plan....I was never a Carl fan, but I didn't want him dead. It's going to be interesting to see how they move forward . - onlyalisa W I never liked tv Carl, so i'm happy he's finally gone. It's the best Christmas present ever... Thank you soooo much Scott M Gimple. You are my hero. - TAR -21 THEM KILLING OFF CARL THIS EARLY PROVES THE SHOW IS GONNA END SOON - xd I think the Producers made a great choice by killing off the Carl character, because it makes the Tv series way less predictable for us Hard-core comic readers!!!! - Jpwalkerslayer97 #2 I was about to say in the last minutes scene of sewer, “So, no dies in this mid season finale” and they reveal Carl’s bit wound - Max555 Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

The Walking Dead Season 8 - Actor's Father Rips Series after Mid-Season Finale!


Tuesday 12 December 2017

Stranger Things Season 3 Release Date Likely Pushed Back to 2019!

via IFTTT Stranger Things Season 3 Release Date Likely Pushed Back to 2019! Stranger Things Season 3 Won't Release Until 2019! Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be giving my thoughts on Stranger Things Season 3 not likely to release until 2019! Booooo!!! Stranger Things cast member David Harbour says that the show will likely not return to our screens until 2019. In an interview with Variety, the actor, who plays Chief Jim Hopper on the show, revealed that we probably won't get the next installment of the hit Netflix show as soon as we would like. "I mean, one of the things that’s annoying for fans is that it takes us a long time to do them,” said Harbour in the interview. "Like, you probably won’t get [Season 3] until sometime in 2019. But also part of the thing is, like any good thing, they need time. And those guys work so hard. I mean, they just sit in their apartment and write for 12, 14 hours a day." As always, thanks for watching everyone! - Trev Trevschan2

Stranger Things Season 3 Release Date Likely Pushed Back to 2019!


The Walking Dead Season 8 Second Half - Will This Help or Hurt the Show?

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 Second Half - Will This Help or Hurt the Show's Future? Q&A: For the past two years fans have been complaining that the show is getting worse and their decisions are really bad. Obviously the people in charge aren't listening to what fans want to see. Between all of the terrible episodes last year, the string of bad choices Rick has made, and now killing Carl, do you think the producers or Scott Gimple or someone is intentionally trying to sink the show for some reason? I'm not really sure why they would, but they have to realize that what they've been doing hasn't worked, and they couldn't honestly believe people wouldn't jump ship after losing Carl (the future of the show) - Heather emc Carl was bitten helping Saddiq, which rick told him not to do. Just goes to show that if you disobey dad, you die. I mean, after all, this is the kid who would never stay in the damn house like he was told. - Tassy McCormick It won't affect the show - Jason Bornot On Spoil the Dead, most people think that Chandler is lying in the interviews and did want off the show. He is trying to get a music career started. I think it will hurt the show. - Chris Scanlan Hey Trev, remember in Season 2 Episode 10 "18 Miles Out" when Shane told Rick that he couldn't keep his family safe. Do you think he was right? -Andy Guadalupe Q&A..what are the chances that Judith will fill the gap left by Carl? I think it makes more sense than the boy from the Kingdom. - Candida Jepsen The death of Carl is honestly the worst thing they could have done with the show i was pissed when glenn died and now its carl - SwaggyToast Walking dead has just gone mainstream pop media - Alexander Sharpe Hey Trev! Q&A when was the last time before Carl we had bite death? I believe it’s Noah but I’m not sure. I wanna know what your thoughts on bite deaths are. Are they an easy way out for a character death or important to the story line to remind us that walkers are still very much dangerous? Keep up the good work bud! - Becca Frye I can't believe it... I can NOT picture the show without Carl... - Jessica Guhl Wow, that was a really dark episode. No, really, I couldn’t see anything. - Seth Barham As always, thanks for watching everyone! - Trev Trevschan2

The Walking Dead Season 8 Second Half - Will This Help or Hurt the Show?


Monday 11 December 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - Why... Just Why?

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - Why... Just Why? Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one we will be giving our thoughts on just why they decided to kill off Carl Grimes in the walking dead. It was gimples decision, not Chandlers. There is a interview with chandler and he stated that “I have no clue to be honest, when Scott told me, that was his decision”. Beyond pissed at Gimple right now. - Justin Patton Q&A: It has to be the actor. If AMC truly decided to kill Carl off at this point, for shock value or ratings or whatever, then that would be the biggest misstep the show has ever made. The past 8 seasons have been about Rick trying to build a world for his kids. Sure, there have been characters in between, but the main story is Rick and his family. Do you think that either way, either Chandler wanting off or AMC doing it, it is going to adversely affect everything in the show and everyone in the group? And do you think it will put a spice in the ratings, only to dwindle because people will boycott the show because of his death? Would love to hear your thoughts. I personally feel like it was a really bad idea, and might cause a spark for a bit, but will in the end harm the show. - J Morris they f'd up one of the best characters of all time - Andre E Q&A: How many episodes will Carl live? Just the premiere, or maybe another episode or two? How long could they draw it out for? - J Morris I almost was brought to tears seeing Ricks face when we saw Carl was bit, we see Rick doing everything for Carl since season 1 and Carl dies just like that - Andrew Ortiz People are maaaad! I’m just going to watch to see where it goes from now on. Who else is counting the days until Fear The Walking Dead season 4? - Brianna Salo Time for people to act like they were always a fan of Carl, so they have another reason to complain about the show. - Platinum Pop Hey trev Question, what if, and WHAT IF, Carl’s immune, I don’t wanna sound like some stupid ass fan but I just don’t see how the hell they would kill Carl like that, it’s too lackluster and I guess I’m in denial but I still love twd just a thought - PopsPlays he got bitten last episode he said it happen saving the guy - Willywhitsonreactions As always, thanks for watching everyone! - Trev Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - Why... Just Why?


The Walking Dead Season 8 Second Half - Video Predictions

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 Second Half - Video Predictions Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be doing my weekly video predictions for what I think will happen in the walking dead season 8 Episode 9 and the second half of season 8. Mainly, I am thinking all of our survivors will wait until the time is right and then all meet up at the Hilltop to prep for the next step. I do think the Oceanside will actually decide to help our survivors against Negan and the others. We should see at least one episode where Rick and Michonne say goodbye to Carl. As always thanks for watching everyone! - Trev Trevschan2

The Walking Dead Season 8 Second Half - Video Predictions


Sunday 10 December 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - That Major Character Death Explained!

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - That Major Character Death Explained! Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be giving my thoughts on that major character death in the walking dead season 8's mid-season finale! You can read the interview for yourself here: This is maybe some of the biggest news we have ever had for the walking dead. Let me know what you guys think about this HUGE change in direction for the walking dead tv series. Why do you think this decision was made? We will follow up tomorrow with another video on this to give our thoughts. I hope you all have been enjoying the videos today, thanks for all of your continued support. - Trev Trevschan2

The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - That Major Character Death Explained!


The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - That Major Character Death...

The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - How It's Gotta Be! - Video Review

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - How It's Gotta Be! - Video Review Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you my review for this weeks episode of The Walking Dead Season 8. This week we got to see the premiere for the walking dead season 8 mid-season finale, episode 8 - How it's gotta be. So this was a pretty loaded, extended episode for the walking dead. Major spoilers to follow. Eclipsing everything else in the episode we see the death of a major A lister in the series, Carl Grimes who has been bitten. This was a pretty crazy reveal for fans of the series since he has been a lead since the very beginning and a lot of us were not expecting to see this happen at this stage of the series. We also see Negan and the saviors make a pretty significant comeback against the joint survivors including destroying Alexandria. Dwight becomes a full on survivor and helps out the survivors significantly once more. We also learn that it was Eugene who helped to free the saviors and we see Rick re-united with Michonne and Carl in what seems like his last moments. I am going to give this week's episode a 9.6 out of 10. This was a pretty ambitious mid-season finale. As always, thanks for watching everyone! - Trev Trevschan2

The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - How It's Gotta Be! - Video Review


The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - How It's Gotta Be! - Video...

The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale Reaction!

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale Reaction! Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this episode we will be doing our post live viewing reaction for the Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Seaon Finale, Episode 8, How it's Gotta Be! Man, I hope you all enjoyed this half season. This one went by in a flash, this was a pretty crazy end to one of the best first half seasons I think the series has ever had. Let me know what you guys think about it and how you feel about the decision to spoiler warning!! Kill off carl. Man Carl Grimes really is a character that I always regarded as safe in the series. I'm not sure why they decided to go this route. Did Chandler Riggs decide it was time for him to go out on top before the show gets too long in the tooth? Maybe try to land some of those movie gigs or go to college? Let's discuss in the comments below. JSS or Just Subscribe somehow. Thanks for watching everyone! - Trev Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale Reaction!

The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale Reaction!


The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale Tonight & it looks BIG!


The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale Tonight & it looks BIG!

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale Tonight & it looks BIG! Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be giving my thoughts on the walking dead's mid-season finale being tonight. Man this one looks really epic! Let's do some final wrap up Q and A questions as well prior to the finale! TREV THIS INSANE NEW SNEAK PEAK YOU GOTTA SEE IT - Doggo Trev, do you like everything TWD does no matter what it is? The crossover is a terrible idea. It is forced (by AMC) not the creative team. It is dumb - Dawney w Trev dreat vid as always! What fo u think of the Punisher?? - Charles Breeding The Walking Dead would've been 100X times better Daryl died instead of Glenn. - Carlito Brigante Q&A Trev. Do you think the guy in the pen who stopped Jared from trying to free himself was Dante? - altokingman Mattstafford asked as well Hey Trev. How long do you think rick has left in the comic books??? Maybe the big death in issue 200...... Also what do you think is going to happen with negan after issue 174?? - djsutty1 Trev Q&A, do you ever get recognized in public by fans/subscribers/random people and what is your reaction to it? - Angus Johnson As always, thanks for watching! - Trev Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

Saturday 9 December 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 - Will Rick Actually Kill Negan?


The Walking Dead Season 8 - Will Rick Actually Kill Negan?

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - Will Rick Actually Kill Negan? Hey Trev, Q and A for you, whenever Rick talks about the plan to end the Saviors he mentions that he alone will be the one to kill Negan. He has said this in the premiere and during episode 7 when he was speaking to Jadis. Do you think he is trying to make sure its him to kill Negan so he can ensure no one else tries to kill him and Rick will actually imprison Negan like in the comics or are they forshadowing how they might kill Negan off as a major change from the end of All Out War? - Dominic Andress Hey Trev, there is a second sneak-peek for the mid-season finale, showing where the saviors end up being, a must watch!! - The Dark Archer Hey Trev, what do you think happened to Morgan and the other snipers? We saw the one hanging upside down but didn't find out what happened to the rest of them. Hey Trev Q&A! Do you think they're trying to make us root for Dwight and hate Daryl? Everyone seems to be blaming everything on Daryl lately especially since he decided to go against Rick's plan. But on the other hand Dwight wants to stick to Rick's plan and would like to keep as many people alive as possible. I'd love your thoughts. Thanks Trev. - Billie Jean So did Tara and Daryl mess up? Now that the saviors can get out (because their only in one part of the building) or however they do, I think some one big is going to die and it will be their fault - MaddR Hi Trev, I as well was surprised the cross over character is Morgan and not Abraham. However, do you think it is possible that Abraham could be added into Fear at some point in the future? If fans react positively to the Morgan’s move, perhaps more than one cross over is inevitable. AMC could be testing the waters. - Kim McLean As always, thanks for watching! - Trev Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

Friday 8 December 2017

The Walking Dead Outgrowing Rick Grimes


The Walking Dead Outgrowing Rick Grimes

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Outgrowing Rick Grimes Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be giving my thoughts on the walking dead starting to ougrow Rick Grimes. Trev, How many vids have you done? How many costumes have you worn? Why? - Ciko Kinchman QandA: Hey Trev, do you miss Glenn? Like I've been watching earlier episodes and I gotta say, I really miss having him around. He brought heart and soul to the show, and damn yeah I miss Glenn lmao - Angus McBryde trev did you know that fear the walking dead is doing a few years time jump to meet the same timeline as the walking dead, apparently it has been confirmed - Scott McCloy Q&A Trev, what do you think the saviors did with Gabriel during their escape? Did they just leave him behind and that's the death we'll see? Would they waste their energy carrying him, or would Negan basically force them to bring him because of his respect for him? Thanks - Josh Reimann As always, thanks for watching! - Trev Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

Thursday 7 December 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 - Mid-Season Finale - Is Eugene Redeemable?

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 - Mid-Season Finale - Is Eugene Redeemable? I am SO GUTED about Eugene!! Even when he gave Sasha the pill last season and everyone said he had jumped ship, I was like "There's no way he has actually switched sides, he's playing the long game, he's gonna get revenge for Abraham! He ain't stone cold Negan" WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG!! What a d he is! For me at this point, even if he changes his mind and ends up coming through for the survivors (which I suspect is where the writers are going to take his storyline) I can't see him being forgiven by the group or by the fans now that he has knowingly set Negan and the Saviours free to attack the other groups. Maybe it's just me but I'm not feeling the new and improved Eugene at all! - Aimee Q&A: Is there any chance Eugene will take an Andrea turn--though albeit a bit less shocking than Andrea dying in season 3---and die at some point in the war due to him being too far gone, either in the sense that he himself is unwilling to come back, or in the sense that the viewers would never see him in the same? I would personally find this to be a very bad waste of a character, but I could definitely see them doing it if they back themselves into a corner and see the fanbase is against him too far to return, especially if the survivors end up finding out how much Eugene has helped Negan and the Saviors. - J Morris Nobody can do what they’re supposed to do!!! Stick. To. The. Plan. Did no one consider that a big hole for the walkers to come in was also a big hole for the Saviors to get out? I love this show, but it makes me want to scream sometime!!! - thehazelnutbar HOW DID THE SNIPERS NOT SEE EUGENE ON THE ROOF?? WTF HE SHOULD'VE BEEN SHOT SMH - Richie Santiago Daryl just needs to die now... He killed Morales really early, he does little in the show anymore and now this shit freeing the Saviours, of course this shit was gonna happen! HEY DARYL! DID YOU FORGET THE SACTUARY HAS DOORS INSIDE THE BUILDING??? They just need to attract all the walkers in, lock the doors and then leave through a different exit! Boom... DONE! - CasualGamePlayz Trev, are you as hyped for S401 of FTWD as you were for S701 of TWD? Also I think Jesus is a spy - Goaty Gal Can I ask why do haters visit this channel just to hate on The Walking Dead? - ZachDaPrince I cant believe the mid season finale of season 8 is litteraly almost here time flew quick!!! - Guts The Black Swordsman As always, thanks for watching! - Trev Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

The Walking Dead Season 8 - Mid-Season Finale - Is Eugene Redeemable?


Wednesday 6 December 2017

The Walking Dead 174 'A Solitary Life' Review - Best Issue in a Long Time!

via IFTTT The Walking Dead 174 A Solitary Life - Review - Best Issue in a Long Time! Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one we will be doing our monthly review for the walking dead comic book series. This is for the walking dead 174 a solitary life. This is one of the absolute best issues of the walking dead we have had in years. This is the final confrontation of Maggie vs Negan after the events of issue 100 and the death of Glenn. Maggie tracks Negan down with Dantae and has to make a decision of whether or not she will kill him. He reveals that he is sorry for the things he has done and does regret them. She allows him to live and they both sort of begin a new. Negan burns his new Lucille replacement bat showing that he won't slip back into the evil man he once was, leading the saviors. Maggie kisses Dantae to show that maybe she is ready to move on and start a new relationship in her life after Glenn. I am going to give this issue 10 out of 10. This is really a standout issue for the walking dead. Probably the best character drama not involving Rick Grimes of the entire series. As always, thanks for watching everyone! - Trev out Trevschan2

The Walking Dead 174 'A Solitary Life' Review - Best Issue in a Long Time!


The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - Death Predictions!

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - Death Predictions! Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one we will be doing our character Death Predictions for the Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-season Finale, Episode 8 How It's gotta be. Q and A: Do you think Gabrielle will survive? - Kekker Q&A: Do you plan on doing death predictions for the mid season finale?! :D - J Morris & Andy G I hope you all enjoy the quick final thoughts, death predictions video. I hope that wasn't too spoilery for you. As always, thanks for watching! - Trev Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - Death Predictions!


Tuesday 5 December 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - Whisperers Were Here?

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - Whisperers Were Here? Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back agian here to bring you another video. In this one we will be starting with giving out thoughts more in depth about the whisperer easter egg in the walking dead tv series in the walking dead season 8 episode 7. hey trev did you notice that the body that was hanging from the watertower had it's face removed? I'm thinking it was the Whisperers. What are your thoughts? - Davis Fleming Hey Trev, in July last year we got news that John Bernecker (RIP) had passed away after falling off the Sanctuary and failing to land on his safety mat. The scene was supposed to take place in Episode 7. We didn't see it so they obviously didn't end up going with that scene. What do you think would've happened if they successfully filmed that scene? Would Dwight or Eugene get pushed off the Sanctuary roof and get injured or die? Did this possibly change the whole story arc for one of these characters? - Dunny2k Q&a did you notice the walker with the skin taken off its face? The last one rick killed at the water tower.. the whisperers must be close! - Cory Van Horn Am I the only one who loves the garbage people? Jadis is oddly hot for some reason I cannot explain. They probably are all mentally disabled pre-ZA and just banded together from that. The sculpting bit was hilarious. Idk, they're fun, haters can hate. - Brian Joseph Q&A Trev: Josh Mcdermitt absolutely killed it this episode! I don't know about you, Trev. Would love to hear your thoughts! - J Morris Trev, are you at all as excited for tonight's episode or the mid-season finale as you have been in the past? I really miss the excitement I had back during the season 4-5 era, I still like season 8 but something about it can't capture that same interest I used to have. - Tyler9698 As always, thanks for watching everyone! - T-Rev Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - Whisperers Were Here?


Monday 4 December 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - Dwight and Eugene's Conversation Recorded

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - Dwight and Eugene's Conversation Recorded I'm attempting to save people Dwight, innocents. Dwight - Negan will k Rick, Rosita, I'm working with them,... We can get rid of Negan. We're almost there. Trev do u think Eugene would've snitched out Dwight if he didn't walk in? - Zach Galifanakis Q and A question: Trev, do you think Simon will survive and become a main character?, I love Steven Ogg so much and I really want to watch him for a very long time - Kinghakaka I dont tbunk Eugene is torn anymore. He can be wishy washy coward for sure. But his treatment of Gab showed his true colors, whatever his excuses. - tama yeager gibson That whole scene with Dwight trying to talk Eugene out of launching the iPod plane was kind of retarded. He was sitting there holding the gun to the back of his head while Eugene gave his defiant speech. Dwight could have just stomped the fragile plane with his boot and it would have been over. - Archie Bunker Hey Trev, How about doing a video listing some of the top mistakes that some of the group has made over the past seasons, because i am tired of so many dissing on Daryl, like no one else has ever messed up. thanks love your videos - freeland256 As always, thanks for watching everyone! - T-Rev Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - Dwight and Eugene's Conversation Recorded


Sunday 3 December 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - How It's Gotta Be - Video Predictions


The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - How It's Gotta Be - Video Predictions

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - How It's Gotta Be - Video Predictions Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be doing my weekly video predictions for what I think will happen in the walking dead season 8 Episode 8 - How It's Gotta Be! The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-season Finale - How It's Gotta Be - Synopsis: 'Every story and battle from the first half of the season comes crashing together.' The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 8 - How its Gotta Be - Sneak Peek: Do you think they will surrender? - Jesus to Maggie - Do you think they'll surrender? - Maggie - They will, eventually - Not now, would we give up that quick? - They just need to run out of food, water, choices - Driving, Maggie - Slow down - Tree in the road wasn't there before - It's Them! ' How its Gotta Be ' Next on Ep. 808 | The Walking Dead - Rick and the Scavengers going in - Daryl to Michonne - It worked, we'll go in and tell them to give up - Maggie - there are no more supplies going in but there might be people. We have to be ready. - Carl - get the guns and get away on foot - Daryl throwing a b into the road? - Eric sees someone - Carol running - Carl - All we need to do is survive tonight! As always thanks for watching everyone! - Trev TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

The Walking Dead Season 8 Mid-Season Finale - How It's Gotta Be - Video ...

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 7 - Time for After - Video Review


The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 7 - Time for After - Video Review

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 7 - Time for After - Video Review Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you my review for this weeks episode of The Walking Dead Season 8. This week we got to see the premiere for the walking dead season 8, episode 7 - Time for After. I hope you all enjoyed the episode, I certainly enjoyed the last 20 minutes of it. The first half was a little bit slow but the ending was EXTREMELY Exciting. Fun episode by itself and also an awesome lead up to the mid-season finale. This is probably my favorite half for a walking dead season so far. In this one we see Rick win over the scavengers as he is able to counter Jadis and almost take her out. The saviors it seems aren't finished yet even though in this one it seemed like at a point, all was lost for them. Dwight fights with Eugene to stop him from helping Negan. And Daryl, Michonne, Morgan, Rosita, and Tara are able to punch a whole in the wall of the sanctuary to allow all of the walkers in. I am going to give this week's episode a 9.5 out of 10. It had a lot of awesome stuff going on in several different locations as well as some more character centric stuff for Eugene and Dwight. As always, thanks for watching everyone! - Trev Trevschan2

The Walking Dead Season 8 - Morgan Already Helping to Hype Fear - Extended tc2 Q and A!


The Walking Dead Season 8 - Morgan Already Helping to Hype Fear - Extended tc2 Q and A!

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 - Morgan Already Helping to Hype Fear - Extended tc2 Q and A! Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one we will be doing a TWD Q and A just before the airing of tonight's The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 7, Time for After. Q&A - Hey Trev - Morgan doesn't have to hook up with EVERYONE in FTWD, does he?. He only has to meet up and travel with 1 or 2 of them with how they like to do bottle episodes. - Mark Scott Will they ever kill off that annoying long-haired Savior? I feel like that has to be coming soon. - Nick Judd One thing's for sure... I'm very interested. - RaymLovesEggs Q&A - there's no question lennie has been pulled from the walking dead, he pretty much stated this, plus it got very emotional in the reveal on the talking dead on sunday. i really do think madison, nick & alicia are the whisperers. i think the whisperers will kill morgan in the last episode of this season of the walking dead, perhaps an altercation between his loyalty between rick and perhaps his loyalty to madison earlier in the walking dead/fear universe or sacrificing himself to save one of the survivors from the whisperers. i think this will tie in both shows beautifully and then we can witness the birth of the whisperers in the next however many of seasons fear goes on for. can you imagine a darker version of madison, nick & alicia! - andy lawson I agree with a lot people. Lennie James did seem to confirm that Morgan will d in the Season 8 Finale. Morgan living Texas before the events of TWD is the only way this crossover will work IMO. Any type of time skip or Morgan went to Texas between TWD Season 1 to Season 3 or Season 3 to Season 5 would be absolutely stupid and will be the Kiss of Death for FTWD. - EnigmaExtreme1 I was recently rewatching season 3 and I remember Andrea saying that it had been about 7-8 months since the farm went down when talking to Merle about Daryl. That plus the time we last saw Morgan, Id imagine that'd be enough time for Morgan to get to Texas have a storyline there and get back. I'm still curious though to see how it'll all fit together. Hopefully it's not too cheesy. - Sam Haynes Fear will be to the Walking Dead as Better Call Saul is to Breaking Bad. .... Whisperers back story would be amazing if the writers can keep it fresh and do it right. - Adam Ford I absolutely hate that idea, I thought Fear the walking dead was "supposed" to be its own thing. Separated from the other show, not to mention that it feels very forced considering it's a zombie apocalypse. Better call Saul is a very different set of circumstances - Arrow Productions So you telling me Morgan left kings county to go all the way to Texas only to go all the way back to kings county...wut??? I like Morgan’s character better but tbh the Abraham crossover worked better. It’s like they killed Lenny James off walking dead and liked the actor so much and felt so bad they gave him a job on fear - Toryhan Ferguson Trev- do you think anyone from AMC or any of the actors watch or are aware of your channel? - Lenny DellaRocca As always, thanks for watching everyone! TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2