Monday 14 October 2019

The Walking Dead Season 10 - The Whisperers, the Best Villains Yet?

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 10 - The Whisperers, the Best Villains Yet? I thought it was a good episode, but I'm will say this and I sure most won’t agree but…the actress that plays Alpha can’t act! She over emphasizes every damn line, I mean she could say I’m going to take a dump and would try to make it sound lit it was the most important dump ever. Over the top acting. - MrNoluv Also it's so weird to hear you complaining that it was too dark. Really weird. You're a Walking dead fanatic. U want dark, especially for the best villains we've ever had back story. - Afro formed Trev, the woman being eaten at the beginning is easily the goriest thing they’ve done on the show in a while. It was awesome. Zombie rips her nose off and breaks her jaw. I saw it and had to turn away it was so gross. They’re really getting back to the horror roots. Thoughts? - Kyle Walsh I really loved tonight's episode the dark & scary stuff had been missing I feel like we are getting back to how it used to be when it first started I had to cover my eyes a few times but at least it's not as dark as the Whisperers were in the comics I'm glad they leave that stuff - LeAnn Gash Great episode, polar opposite of FTWD. Loving it - MKPsyOps The pictures of Beta and his friend had their faces scratched out. That being said, Beta was wearing a cowboy hat like in the vinyl record. - Robert Taylor Still waiting on that Tobin character spotlight - Kyle George Gammas sister just want her baby back...feel bad for her... - JANSTEP Really enjoyed this episode. Ryan Hurst is doing a great job as Beta - tony matrisin QandA do you think the whisperer war can end in the midseason finale? - Giuseppe DeRosa If Lizzy was alive, she would be just like alpha - Eric Hughes will you be doing an el camino review? - cecille gravelle Also... Beta is gonna take off his mask and underneath is going to be Morales. Calling it. - Ethan Isgrove This episode sucked. Getting tired of the same always at war with some group story line - JustBed47 #thewalkingdeadseason10 #wearethendoftheworld #walkingdead10 #walkingdead #season10 Trevschan2

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