Saturday 14 February 2015

The Walking Dead Season 5 Second Half - The Wolves Are the Scavengers Theory and Q and A 3!

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 5 Second Half - The Wolves Are the Scavengers Theory and Q and A 3! Alright what’s going on guys its Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one we will be talking about the wolves possibly being the scavengers from the walking dead comic book series with of course the big bad wolf the leader Derek. Also we will go over a few other questions as well. As always, thanks for watching! 1. Hey Trev. question for a Walking dead Q and A. you keep saying that they could have expanded the second half of the season by showing us the groups journey and that it was too early to kill Tyreese off. But I was thinking that maybe this is because they have soo much planned for this season that they couldn't waste episodes on random stuff. also in the trailer it states that this is the best season ever witch backs this point up even more. – BuiBo 2. Hey Trev, potential discussion topic/question for a Q&A: How do you think Noah ended up all the way down in Atlanta at the prison if he is all the way from Virginia? The way he described it when he met Beth in Slabtown, saying it had walls and everything, what could have driven him & his dad 500 miles south to Atlanta? – meetcat642 3. Hey Trev, I was wandering if animals could turn into zombies like humans? I know there are dogs in resident evil and hell hounds in Nazi zombies. Do you think we will see any of this in the walking dead or do you think that they will go a different route with the wolves/dogs. Thanks man....your awesome – stormshadow 4. Hey Trev, I have another question that i've been meaning to ask about morgan… How do you think morgan will be re-introduced into the group when they've travelled 500 miles away from the Atlanta now ? Its not like he followed them in a car too as by the sounds of it he's a few weeks behind them so i can't see how he'd be able to located them now they've moved such a distance. I know he has a rough idea about Washington but, is it likely we could see him get there in season 6 a few months after Rick and the others have been there? Or is it more likely we'd get another big time skip so that the last episode is concentrated more on him getting to Alexandria ??? - Jackamo TheLad Who are the Scavengers: Trevschan2

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