Thursday 4 July 2019

Fans Reactions to the Walking Dead's Ending - Satisfied?

via IFTTT Fans Reactions to the Walking Dead's Ending - Satisfied? Rubbish ending. You flipped over Game of thrones ending at least Game of Thrones had a viable ending. Big question not covered....When people die they still turn into TWD, so how can they defeat the TWD ????? it is ongoing surely. He just got fed up. - In The Groove - Fed up? Naw. Kirkman made his millions and decided to walk away. I bet that in a couple of years he'll get bored and begin writing TWD comic again, or farm it out for someone else to do. - Pariah Sojourner the dude is filthy rich! it probley takes a ton of time hes not young young and he has the china thing going he probley wants to enjoy life a little !!!! i wish him well and as long as he and amc keep debnam carey its all good - Greaser Bub the Original It's bullshit something happened for this sudden end - Daniel Rodriguez Prob a 20 year time skip I’d say..... Carl goes from like 15 to mid 30’s - The Shapelys So Kirkman...whatever you write in the future...I'll pass! Thanks for killing the dream. - zelda faz Better ending than Game of - tyco brenton What the hell just happened? Why is TWD cancelling? And did trev catch a seizure or freak out at the beginning? lol - mrsanatra1 I’ve always said TWD will go for 12 seasons so TWD will end on season 12 - The Dummy TrevsChan2 Patreon ► Grab a Trevschan2 TeeShirt ► - Trev #thewalkingdeadend #trevschan2 #walkingdeadendingreactions #fanreactions Trevschan2

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