Sunday 14 May 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 to be the Most Action Packed Season Yet!

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 to be the Most Action Packed Season Yet! Alright what’s going on guys it’s Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be giving my thoughts on a recent article about an interview done with Denise Huth about the walking dead season 8 being the most action packed season yet! The cast and crew are more excited than ever for the season which is on the horizon. Rick Grimes actor Andrew Lincoln has said so himself. Now, executive producer Denise Huth is sharing her excitement for the Season 8 premiere, which happens to be Episode 100 overall and is wrapping up production in Georgia. "Oh, gosh, it’s like night and day compared to how we had to start last year," Huth told EW. "They all came back so super excited and it’s a big year. These episodes are coming in huge. It’s a lot of work. It’s just as hard as it’s ever been, if not harder. There’s just a sense of excitement because the characters aren’t in that dark, down place. It was really hard last year. It was hard for the cast, it was hard for the crew, it was hard for all of us. It was a really essential part of the story, and I think we needed to go through that pain to have what we’re doing now be so satisfying. If everything we are doing now had happened in the third or fourth episode last year, it would still be cool, but it wouldn’t have the impact now because we’ve all had to trudge through the mud to get here. So it’s great." "The energy is just incredible with the cast being together, and for a lot of these actors, it’s the first time or one of the first times they’re having the opportunity to work together because they were so split up last year. So it is exciting for us to integrate a lot of the newer characters with the OGs and see them all come together and take on this one challenge that they share. It makes it a really, really exciting way to begin a season." Season 8 is going to capture All Out War at its finest: action-packed. "It’s a ton of action," Huth said. "It’s super exciting. I think it will be really, really satisfying. As a fan of the show — and I am a fan of the show — when I read it, it was like 'Awww, I can’t wait! It’s going to be great!' It’s worth the worth the wait to get to this moment." Trev what do you expect to see in the season 8 trailer of TWD and when do you think it will come out? – Kyle Collupy Hi Trev, Love your channel, thanks for all the great discussion, and content. Quick Q&A, How much do you think the reality of Glen being gone from TWD forever effected the ratings. Meaning do you think it was more his death that caused the majority of the drop, instead of the given reasons? Also, do you think if they kill Daryl off, it could have an even sharper effect on the viewer base, resulting in even more ratings loss? Thanks for all the hard work. Keep making the videos, and we will keep watching and liking. - steven loy As always thanks for watching everyone! - Trev Trevschan2

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