Sunday 11 August 2019

Fear The Walking Dead Season 5 Mid-Season Premiere - Channel 4 - Video Review!

via IFTTT Fear The Walking Dead Season 5 Mid-Season Premiere - Channel 4 - Video Review! Alright what's going on guys, it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one we will be doing our weekly review for The Walking Dead Season 5, Episode 9 - Channel 4. Yes, this weeks episode is the mid-season premiere for the second half of Fear The Walking Dead Season 5. We had just a short break for Fear to return and even though I am happy to have it back this week, this mid-season premiere was somewhat lacklustre. In this week's episode we see it shot in somewhat of a Found Footage format with the group dialoging what is happening and it feeling somewhat like a reality tv series. Morgan, Alycia, Dwight, and all of the others go on some adventures to help people, including a lady and her son that are stuck in a house which is surrounded by mines. Morgan accidentally steps on one of the mines and the group helps him get out of it by replacing the pin. At the end of the episode we see a new character watching the tapes and he runs into Logan with his group which are wanting to send a message to Morgan's group. Logan comes across for me as somewhat of a comedic villain from an 80s tv series. He isn't scary, he isn't himself actually funny like negan for example is. He is just kind of another weak villain from the looks of things. Unfortunately lately even though this series is called 'Fear' The Walking Dead, it isn't at all scary or fearsome. The villains we have had since Season 3 with the exception of the vultures have been comical at best. For a mid-season premiere, I am going to give this episode a 6 out of 10. It was experimental with the found footage which I think worked to a degree but the ending was super weak as I'm not really a fan of Logan and think he's kind of just another silly Fear villain. Oh well. Let me know what you guys think and as per usual, thanks for watching! - Trev TrevsChan2 Patreon ► Grab a Trevschan2 TeeShirt ► #fearthewalkingdead #episode9 #mid-seasonpremiere Trevschan2

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