Monday 26 August 2019

Fans Giving up on Fear The Walking Dead

via IFTTT Fans Giving up on Fear The Walking Dead Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one we will be doing our Fear Q and A for this week, giving our thoughts on fans pretty much giving up on Fear. I am not here to defend Fear's current direction, nor will I. I thoroughly enjoyed the first half of this season of Fear and do appreciate it being on during the summer but I also totally understand that in today's day and age of binge watching series and Netflix, Fear may not have enough pull to have viewers tune in to watch it in comparison. Let me know what you guys think of this one and please everyone try to stay calm. If you think the show has been weak this half so far, no problem. At the same time if you are enjoying the series please understand that other people do have their own opinions and if they are enjoying it, that's fine too. There are people who do enjoy the ZNation approach. The issue I think is because the new showrunner team is sort of only taking Fear about half seriously, the show feels kind of strange and sort of unrealistic. I give up on this show - Stephanie Kent I give up on Fear. - Damien Trying my best to enjoy this second half... last weeks Ep was far more superior in my opinion... this one felt so disjointed and pointless and this Wes character is just a waste of screen time to be honest. Next weeks episode looks like an absolute bore fest... can’t wait - Aquilix Pretty boring & terrible episode imo. There's no direction at all in this show. I have no idea how it got renewed for a S6. They desperately really need to start picking-up the pace. - KillStreak25 I hate that they dragged Morgan and Dwight over to this show. They deserve better. So does the other actors. - Tyler Jackson Trev you're allowed to say Z nation - Michael Dilley What the hell is going on? It has no real direction, the Alicia ptsd just is off and the “helpers” story line is run it’s welcome. - Jack Goldberg You're still here? Are the writers trying to tell us something? They know this show sucks too...I mean they have to. - MKPsyOps Trev don't you think if all Villains acted like the walking dead villains, Wouldn't everyone complain about that? I mean I'm not taking up for this show, but they are trying to be different! - Edward Covington Thanks for watching everyone, see you guys soon! - Trev TrevsChan2 Patreon ► Grab a Trevschan2 TeeShirt ► #fearthewalkingdead #episode12 #nertamid Trevschan2

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