Friday 7 December 2018

The Walking Dead TV Series Characters Totally Divergent from the Comics Now!

via IFTTT The Walking Dead TV Series Characters Totally Divergent from the Comics Now! Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be giving my thoughts on the walking dead tv series being a completely different version of the walking dead, looking basically nothing like the comics at this point. - - Overkill's The Walking Dead Flops Big Time - you ignore the market and you lose. Q&A Trev: Do you think the Walking Dead movies will work? The reason Rick worked in the series is because he had proven himself to be a leader. So without a team to lead will the movies work? Or will they solve this by having Rick lead a new group of red shirts? - calvin624 Really smells like a Gimple idea. - Jack Moore Hey Trev Q&A: Do you think that the recent comic death in the tv series will be taken by Daryl? I know the tv show remixes comic canon so is it possible we will get a ''swurve'' and daryl takes death - mrsanatra1 When does FEAR start up in 2019? Or should I say the Morgan and Friends show? - constablepda I'm happy about Daniel. Him in scence with Morgan will make strong scences. - RoseMarie M I wish they would bring back Taca aka Walker,I really liked his character - PSYKOSAS Is it really true? Is Troy Otto really coming back? I thought Madison killed him in the dam - Kristen Alzza TrevQ&A if there a team they can be an awesome group of villians i also heard that Madison might come back too - TriBeCa’s Finest What’s the point? Only Alicia and Strand even knew them - MedievalManiac troy died about 7 different ways hammer drown explosion etc etc - DarkMaeko What the f Trev. I enjoy your channel. But you straight up spoiled the show with this thumbnail and title. Not only the return of Daniel, but the reveal that troy is alive. Dossapointed Trev. Dissapointed. But I still enjoy your content. - A F As always, thanks for watching! TrevsChan2 Patreon ► Grab a Trevschan2 TeeShirt ► As always, thanks for watching everyone! - Trev #walkingdead186 #thewalkingdead #186 #issue #dwightisdead #rickkillsdwight Trevschan2

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