Sunday 13 May 2018

Fear The Walking Dead Season 4 - Althea a Spy for the Vultures?

via IFTTT Fear The Walking Dead Season 4 - Althea a Spy for the Vultures? Could Althea be spy for vultures? It makes sense considering she gathers info on surivivors. - Cygarniczka Doug Goldberg hit it dead-on the spot. I really wish fear could have stayed the way it was. - Chris Forbes Q Trev- Why does it seem so important to find the vultures? Revenge would be dumb, do you think they kidnapped Madison maybe? - Lisa Evans Trev never leave youtube please - rider170 TrevsChan2 Patreon ► Hi Trev, I don't want to beat up on Fear, but the circumstance in Nick killing the Vulture felt weird to me. If someone wanted to kill me, I would be pretty concerned, but the Vulture was very arrogant. But why? He wasn't bigger or stronger than Nick. He had no weapon of note, hand-to-hand expertise nor hostage. So what would stop Nick from killing him? The answer is...nothing! So you have an enraged guy wanting to kill you and you just go in a storage box with your back turned and not worry about anything? - torridd Trev Q and A. Why do you think the vultures appear to have no weapons? - MrPondypondy Q&A hey Trev how come u never got fear the walking dead season 3 on DVD or bluray and do u plan to eventually I got fear season 3 on DVD because it was an incredible season I loved it anyways I want to hear your thoughts Trev P.S Keep up the awesome work - Ratchet The Awesome One Fear the Walking Dead Q & A! Trev, what do you think the chances are that they bring Tobias(from season 1) back at some point now that they're back in the states? Jason D. Is Z Nation any good? - ANGUs GAMEs Season 4 has been fantastic - Nathan Clements I feel for ya' John, but you KNOW that Naomi/Laura will die sooner or later in this series. Might as well rip off the bandaid right now and move on John... I hear Lucy's back on the market - Andrew Fjeld I believe Madison is dead. When the 4 of them stopped Al on that road and Madison wasn't with them, I knew that she was dead. I just want them to finally say or show it. - Nella Michelle I am HATING this season so far. Morgan is the only reason i'm watching. - SpeedCuber71 As always, thanks for watching everyone! - Trev Trevschan2

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