Saturday 25 May 2019

Should HBO do a Game of Thrones Sequel?

via IFTTT Should HBO do a Game of Thrones Sequel? Alright what's going on guys, it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be giving my thoughts on whether or not game of thrones will have a sequel series. HBO has said so far that they are not doing a sequel but the series finale for GOT was the highest rated episode at over 19 Millions views on premiere night any script series has ever had. I really think HBO should re-think this and do a game of thrones sequel for the fans and so that they can continue on with the license with the characters the audience has grown to love. Sequel movie: Drogon takes Dani's body to Volantis where she is resurrected by Kinvara. She vows to fly Drogon to Kings Landing to get her revenge on Tyrion and Jon Snow and boot Bran off of the throne. Sam and Tyrion have read Grand Maester Ebros' history of Westeros. Sam has read the histories and scrolls at Castle Black and listened to Maester Amon's stories for years. Tyrion has heard Bran's stories from Bran himself. Together Sam and Tyrion piece together the history of the 3 Eyed Raven. They put their heads together and discover that Bran is really Bloodraven. - blockbuster 2008 Still a fan and for sure going to check out the prequels. I read somewhere that HBO said that no current characters will be any of the spin offs. - Kevin Means I don't want prequels, I want sequels after this finale. Specially a sequel with Jon and Arya, the ending of Jon is so ambiguous. - norm2014 No, I will burn my Starks T-shirt. And no interest in buying the next books, gladly saved my 40 bucks. I wouldn't have sought out watching the prequels either - rogambite Trev can you do videos on the major houses of GOT's like how they were started - Joe Hennessy Still a fan . Been watching for ten years , hated the finale . But still the best show ever . - Manny Chava A while back, George RR Martin said something to the effect that, "if you think this story will have a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention." - Carol Van Leer Jon shouldv been the king. Brandon kept saying that he cant be the king or the lord of anything, so what changed? And is he the 3eyed raven anymore? If so why didnt they explain what exactly are his powers? And how long does he live ect. Its such an american ending to bring democracy to westeros also. A lot of stuff just didnt make any sense - Free Bee TrevsChan2 Patreon ► Grab a Trevschan2 TeeShirt ► - Trev #gotsequel #gameofthronessequal #gameofthrones #gameofthronesspinoff @hbo @gameofthrones Trevschan2

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