Monday 5 February 2018

The Walking Dead Ending Very Far Off & Madison Not Alpha According to Creator!

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Ending Very Far Off & Madison Not Alpha According to Creator! "I definitely do have an endgame, but every time I mention that websites run with that and make it sound like its very soon and they get clickbait articles out of it, so I have to say that even though I do know what the end is and I am working toward it, it is very far off and that's not something that's going to be happening anytime soon so there's no cause for worry. Plan on going for a good long time but I do know exactly what I'm working toward, which is important to me." "And I haven't told Charlie Adlard because he'd be like (glances at watch) 'why hasn't that happened yet? Why are you changing your mind?'" Kirkman, tight-lipped save for a prolonged "uh," looked around the room. The speaker tried another angle. "Could she be Alpha?" Kirkman, slow to answer, appeared stumped. "Were they to encounter each other," he teased, "Negan would probably kll her. Or maybe she'd kll Negan, I don't know, there's options." "They'll probably never meet. And she's not Alpha," Kirkman said with a laugh. "But maybe I'm lying, I've done that before. I love those theories, though." Glenn ded for Maggie’s storyline if she leaves it will feel all for nothing - Connor Q&A Trev: What is your favorite scene in the show history? My personal favorite is the very first scene in the pilot. It got me hooked. I'll definitely say TWD has one of the best opening scenes in TV history. - That one guy I definitely wish that the Carl being bit was a fake out and that it was Carl seeing his life flash before his eyes but I know it's not and everyone else should know that because Chandler's dad ranted on social media Chandler is on new projects etc. - Sydni Taylor Trev Q&A, why dont you do a video on all the most remembered moments so far? Examples bicycle girl, tnk, and ricks horse getting eaten. I think it would be cool to see your take on a video like this. - audrey thomason Trev, does Morgan have to d to crossover? Couldn't he just leave on his own? He always seems at odds with the decisions everyone else makes anyways. - itsJellyFishDay According to a lot of the cast, there are dark episodes coming in the second half - punkrocker4life9674 - Trev Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► Who Would Win Vs Series ► Trevschan2

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