Wednesday, 14 March 2018

The Walking Dead Season 8 Finale - Rick to Become Infected?

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 8 Finale - Rick to Become Infected? Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one I will be giving my thoughts on the possibility of Rick getting infected or injured with a contaminated weapon. Spoiler Warning for this one dudes! What happened to Laura?? - RoseMarie M Q&A Trev: Does it maybe seem like Tara was vouching for Dwight at the end? - J Morris Henry Carl Riggs - Andrew Ortiz TWD changed the rule "There can only be 1 black person" to "There can only be 1 doc". So they killed doc Carson - Raphaël Tremblay i feel little to no attachment towards most of the characters that are left, but christ can they kill off tara already? i seriously hope she's one of the ones who bites the dust this season. she has become so unlikable and is the one character i can absolutely do without. - spanishsupafly This episode was just kinda MEH. BUT DAMN, next week looks good - Jakoob Shmeedurmahn I think the new doctor might be shady - The walking Dad hey Trev q & a. what if The Key actually turns out to be Rick finding out about Eugene making bllets and he( or they) head there? thous The Key to winning the wr. also just as a reminder at the end of season six Eugene gave Rick the paper of a location and instructions for making bullets. hll yeah. keep up the vids - Donna Ellard Support TrevsChan2 through Patreon ► TrevsChan2 Instagram ► TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► TrevsChan2 Twitter ► TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► Trevschan2 Google+ ► Trevschan2 Blogger ► As always, thanks for watching everyone! Trevschan2

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