Tuesday, 28 February 2017

The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 12 - Will Sherry Join the Survivors?

via IFTTT The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 12 - Will Sherry Join the Survivors? Q&A Trev: Do you think Sherry will take the place of Dwight in the comics and join Rick and the Survivors? - Dante Taj Since Dr Carson died, Doctor Smarty-pants got upgrade to the only sanctuary doctor. Congratulation Eugene! - RaphaĆ«l Tremblay Dwight must not be a fan of going to the doctor. First Denise and now this?! - Zaheer MeOut Just when u think Dwight is redeemable they make you hate him again. I thought this episode was gonna be the one that starts to turn Dwight around and make you see the good in him until he throws the doctor under the bus. I think they are making us hate him so that when Daryl finally gets his chance to take him out the audience will be happy and won't care - KING SN1P3Z16 Q & A Trev. Do you think we'll ever see Sherry again? - J D I just had a realization Trev! The doctor kept talking about how nobody with a big heart could survive in Negan's world. That Sherry (Dwight's wife) had no place there and that it was just as well that she was gone. Well, if you were playing a game of chess, and you were doing that sort of thing to take out Negan, would you take out a pawn? Or maybe a bishop or knight first. The doc's presence made Negan stronger for two reasons, one he was a doctor but even more importantly, he had drunk the kool-aid and was on board with Negan's rhetoric. Dwight is positioning to make Negan weaker and he's being sneaky about it. - Lauralie Adkins What you smokin trev? This episode was the best of this half. - Ben Hillegas I know it's a weird question but do you think The Claimers from season 4 would've been able to fit into The Saviors? - rat fleas Hey Trev!? Why does Negan look so pissed when he knocks on Eugene's door, but then doesn't confront him about the pills. Negan must know about them right? - Jacob Johansen Hey Trev, love your channel man! Do you think Dwight might change sides by the end of this season? To me it seems like Dwight is being pushed more and more each episode to turn on Negan even though it's taking a long time in the TV series. Thanks and peace man. - jacob bowen Q&A Question: Hey Trev, was it a bad decision for Negan to kill Dr. Carson, I mean the only other doctor in all the communities is Harlan Carson at the Hilltop and Maggie and the Hilltop won't give him up without a fight right, she needs him for the baby? - Brian Achim TrevsChan2 Facebook Page ► http://ift.tt/1jivmhV TrevsChan2 Twitter ► https://twitter.com/trevschan2 TrevsChan2 Tumblr ► http://ift.tt/1jivldy Trevschan2 Google+ ► http://ift.tt/1pAgZTK Trevschan2 Blogger ► http://ift.tt/1jivmyb Trevschan2

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